Flip-disc 3x1 Display
Flip-disc 3x1 Display


I encourage you to read the description of the project below, how to use and control the display and what are the conditions for the correct operation of the display.

Modules dedicated and designed to work with:


  • The displays can be connected in series
  • Any number of modules requires only one power module or one control module
  • The display can be connected with 7-segment or 2-dot modules in any configuration
  • If you use a dedicated control module, the only requirement is an external 12V power source
  • If you decide not to use a dedicated controller, then you must use the power supply module in addition to the Arduino board. This configuration requires a 3.3V-5V (VCC) power supply for the display. Only 3 pins DIN, CLK, EN (MOSI, SCK, EN – SPI) are required to control the display and two pins for power supply module
  • 12V, 1.5A external power supply is required
  • Examples of module connection diagrams can be found in the description below


Flip-disc displays require a specific power supply, in order to flip the disc we need to supply the disc with a current pulse of about 0.5A with a precise length of about 1ms (see flip-disc datasheet) and with correct polarity. You have two options to control the display: first option is a dedicated power module called pulse shaper and any control board such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc. You don’t need anything else. How to connect the boards can be found below in the description. You don’t have to worry about the whole procedure of powering and controlling the individual discs, because it is done by the ready-made Arduino program and the display itself. The second option is even simpler because you just need to connect the display to a dedicated Arduino-based controller, there are ready-made sample program codes. In both cases we have similar capabilities, but the option with a dedicated controller is more elegant because it has additional advantages: built-in pulse shaper power supply, real-time clock, buttons, connector for temperature sensor, etc.

What you need to control the display – summary:

Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Schematic
Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Schematic
Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Arduino Example Connection Schematic
Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Controller Example Connection Schematic
Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Pinout
Flip-disc 3x1 Dot Module Dimensions
Flip disc 3x1 Dot Module 7-Segment Controller Example Connection Schematic